Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Days Days Days...

 Our first gift from my aunt! When family and friends visited they brought chicken,
eggs, and himbasha (bread). I enjoyed himbasha with
peanut butter from St. Louis!

 My family! 

Grandpa Abraham and Noah! 

 The girls! We had fun looking at my Glamour and fashion!

 The kids played soccer A LOT! I tried at times. I am not really good, 
but I do know how to block! :)

The bike my grandfather rode from his village to the city! I do not know how he did it, 
but I was amazed! He is a healthy and strong man!

 We had a garden in the front yard of our house! I love this flower and it is my color!

 This is outside our house. We put the shades up at night, then lowered them at night.

 My little brother and I!

My grandpa and I! 

My aunt! She was making bun (coffee).

More to come... :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Getting to know Asmara, Eritrea...May 17-23rd

 The Gibi. The former government's palace. I wanted to take a tour, but did not have the opportunity. You can see the Italian architectural features. This building is similar to our White House. Also, a new building has been built for the President. 

 This young boy performed on the streets during the nights leading up to the Independence Day celebration. He probably is abut 10-12 years old, but had a large audience! He was pretty awesome! :) 

Independence decoration. 21 years! May 24, 2012

Hanging out with my younger brothers! Love them! 

These people are amazing! They are family, and made wishes reality! I do not know what my experiences would have been without them. They were more like tour guides during my visit! Thankful! 

Many people ask what the city looks like...this is a picture I took walking down the street at night. Most of the houses are gated and you cannot see the actual house (front door) from the street. 

 Playing Injera, a card game named after the authentic cuisine! My sister taught me!

 My sister and me in front of the Eritrean flag!

 This is a tobacco factory, every government structure 
(mostly all buildings in the city) was decorated for Independence Day.

 We walked the streets at night! LOL! Just Kidding. 
In Eritrea many people walked downtown in the evening. We traveled the city at night!

In front of the A.S. Pushkin statute. 
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was a Russian poet. His grandfather was Eritrean. 


First meal in Eritrea. I thought it was beef, reality check came weeks later! 
I will post the picture. 

 The well was in the backyard. This is where our water came from. 

Coffee beans fresh from the tree! The seeds had a sweet taste.   

We had fresh homemade fries! I love potatoes, even in Eritrea! 

I am going to share pictures! Sorry it took sooooo long...My journey to Asmara, Eritrea

 My first meal on an international flight! It was a decent meal. 
Especially after traveling for majority of the day.

 At the airport in Germany. We waited 6+ hours for the connecting flight. 

 Almost there!

The airport in Asmara, Eritrea. It reminded me of a local DMV office.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

I'm Backkkk and Ready To Share!

I'm backkkkkk! I have GREAT internet connection (Now, that I am home!) and can share my pictures and experience with you!

There is much to tell! First, many people have asked me how was my trip to Eritrea? Overall, it was an excellent trip and I am happy I had the opportunity to go. Being my first trip out of the country, I tried to take in as much as possible. It was difficult for me at times with the different culture, but I learned a lot. I told many people that I was going to meet my grandparents for the first time...And...it was everything that I imagined plus more. My grandparents are wonderful individuals and they have sooo much love to offer. I can still picture my grandmother's face when we saw each other for the first time! I am very lucky young woman! I will share as much as possible about my trip, but first, here is a picture of my grandparents and me the day I headed home! They are the reason I have wanted to travel to Eritrea for so many years!

LOVE! And yes, that is the traditional hairstyle (I will have close ups later)!

My grandmother is wearing a traditional dress, a "Zuria." I saw mostly middle aged women and elders in the dresses. The material is thin, but layered. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Less Than a Week

In order to start a blog I had to figure out which blog to sign up for. I figure that it would be nice to explain some thoughts that are going through my mind as I prepare for my trip. Because I am in Jefferson City, I cannot pack and I have to rely on a list. Truthfully, I know packing will get done, but I do not know how! I am just telling myself not to stress. Anyhow, I am very excited for the trip and need to be as productive in Jefferson City as possible because I only have a week. I wanted to get my hair braided, but decided against it because I want the traditional braids when we get to Eritrea. I am thinking maybe two times while I’m there. Below, is a picture of the traditional braided style.

Also, I showed Kayle Injera today! At least, I am familiar with the traditional food in Eritrea. Thank you, dad! Lol J I have had Injera since childhood, so I feel the food will not be of any shock to me. Now, I hear the food is organic and not processed (as we are use to in America), but I am making sure I am prepared. I have to take medicine with me, just in case…I’m sure you can figure out why I need to be “prepared!” But, I know I will eat other traditional foods while I am in Eritrea. The travel nurse at the clinic informed me not to eat any fruit that I do not peel myself. I heard the same piece of advice from Dusty (coworker), so I am pretty sure I should stay away from fruit! Also, I was told to stay away from cold food, soooo probably no salad! Hopefully, I can eat healthy. But, I hear I will walk a lot, so I will not worry about the eating part! Haha!

Here is a picture of Injera: